So the three-node-cluster is up’n’running but I have a yellow exclamation mark next to each node.
Let’s address these issues as my OCD needs a neat and clean interface 🙂
1. This host currently has no management network redundancy
Eventhough I do have multiple NIC’s in the hosts, I do need to have traffic separated. As far as I know it is not possible to configure management network traffic primary and secondary paths so that only in case the primary path does not work it will use the secondary interface. Can’t have my hosts choose willy-nilly on which NIC they’ll use…
Also, don’t really need this in my testlab so I’ll show you how to disable this warning message.
- Right-click on cluster name (e.g. Binsfeldius in my case)
- Select “Settings”
- Go to the tab “Manage”
- Select vSphere HA
- On that page, select “Edit” in the top right corner
- Scroll down and click on “Add”
- In the Option field put: “das.ignoreRedundantNetWarning”
- In the Value field put: “True”
The last step is the ‘activate’ this new setting on the node.
- Right-click the node
- Select “Reconfigure for vSphere HA”
Rinse and repeat for the other two nodes. The warning message will not be shown anymore. On to the 2nd warning:
2. No coredump target has been configured
This warning appears when there is no partition configured for the node to place diagnostic coredump information. As I’m not really interested in these core dumps, I mean the nodes are just hardware and boot off iSCSI so a new node is easily created.
On the VMWare knowledgebase there is information on how to create such a partition or log the information to a single file. For now, I’ll just disable the warning.
- Right-click the first node
- Select the “Manage” tab, and click “Settings”
- In the left column, select “Advanced Systems Settings”
- In the right column, scroll down until you see the line “UserVars.SuppressCoredumpWarning”. You can also press “u” in the list to go directly to the UserVars listing 🙂
- Select the line and click on the little pencil (just above the list)
- Change the “0” to “1”, Click “OK”
The change is effective immediately and the yellow warning should now disappear from the node. Repeat for the other two nodes.
ahhh .. serenity 🙂