Getting the new DC1 online (a.k.a. remote management quirks)

This entry is part 7 of 10 in the series Binsfeldius Cluster (HV2012)

Before we can start the cluster process, we first need the DC1. As Hyper-V Server does not have a full GUI, you’ll need a windows client machine for the next steps. A bit of uncharted territory here too as I’ll be using a Windows 8 client and I haven’t been able to spend any time on 8 yet (apart from playing my XBOX which is also tiles, right 😉 ).

Two-stage approach

First, as I don’t have a domain (yet) and I do need remote management, I’ll run through the steps of getting non-domain remote management to work for node N1BC and my Windows 8 client. So with the local (administrator-level) accounts on both systems.

Second, when the DC1 is up & running I’ll run through the same steps of getting remote management fixed, but now in the domain context and undo the workgroup stuff. The way it should be, with administrative domain accounts (because now I can add domain accounts for remote management to the nodes)

Unfortunately I don’t have the “luxury” of using John Howards HVRemote for this, as I did previously, because he has not yet made a version available which can be used on the new Hyper-V Server 2012. So it’s a bit of trial and error to get this working.

1. Prepare client & cluster node: Create similar local account

I’ve created the local account lsarayf, which has administrative rights, on both the client and the cluster node. On N1BC it’s simple by selecting option (3). On Windows 8 it is more comprehensive, it is located by going to Charm – PC Settings – Users, then Add User. Option Sign in without Microsoft account then local account and create a regular account with admin privs.

All client actions are taken while logged-on with the lsarayf account.

  • On the client, open an elevated administrator CMD
  • Do: cmdkey /add:N1BC /user:lsarayf /pass

2. Prepare client: HOSTS file

The first step is basic network connectivity and name resolution. As a client, I’m using Windows 8 under Parallels (which is an Apple based virtualisation suite) on my iMac.

Make sure you use shared networking and not bridged networking ! Yes, even-though you can ping everything, it does not work beyond that. This tip has cost me a lot of time.

On the Windows 8 machine, the HOSTS file is key in the current workgroup situation. All the tools I’ve used rely heavily on correct name resolution.

  • Location: WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts
  • Edit the file under RunAs Administrator privileges
  • Edit permissions and Add the lsarayf account
  • add the following line in the file:  N1BC


3. Prepare client: Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT)

The RSAT contains the Hyper-V Manager GUI which makes it easier to configure the DC1. Get the latest RSAT from here, make sure you get the correct version! I’m using a 32-bit Windows 8 client, so I’ll grab the Windows6.2-KB2693643-x86.msu file.

  • On the Windows 8 machine: Run the installer
  • Go to Control Panel – Programs – Turn Windows features on/off 
  • In the Windows Features screen
  • Put a tickmark in the Hyper-V box

Now I can start the Hyper-V Manager on the Win8 client. As you can see, and as expected, it doesn’t work yet.



4. Prepare client: dcomcnfg

This bit is required to allow remote logon for the Hyper-V Manager tool from the Windows 8 machine to the cluster node.

  • open an elevated administrator command prompt
  • Run: dcomcnfg
  • Under Component ServicesComputers, rightclick My Computer and select properties
  • Go to the tab COM Security and under Access Permissions click Edit Limits
  • Select the line Anonymous Logon and put a tick mark in the box Allow Remote Access
  • Click OK

5. Prepare client & server: firewall

Luckily Microsoft is taking a better view on out-of-the-box security settings. Thefirewalls on the the client and server are by-default on and block incoming connectivity.


On the client I have disabled the firewall with the following statement:

  • netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

On the cluster node N1BC, I use the following rules:

  • netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”Microsoft Management Console” dir=in action=allow program=”%windir%system32mmc.exe” enable=yes
  • netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)” new enable=yes
  • netsh advfirewall set currentprofile settings remotemanagement enable
  • netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=”Windows Firewall Remote Management” new enable=yes

Test it by starting a MMC, add the Disk Management snapin and connect to N1BC.

Test it by starting the Hyper-V Manager and connect to N1BC.

 6. Creating the dc1

… and now that all this stuff is done I can start initializing the dc1 LUN and create the DC1 virtual machine.

First connect the 50 Gb LUN called TTGDC1 to cluster node N1BC. Then, on the Windows 8 client, start an elevated Computer Management connected to N1BC and under Disk Management you see the LUN.

  • Bring the drive online (right click)
  • Format the drive and give it driveletter R:

As this VM needs to communicate with the clusternodes, it must be placed in the same network and therefore I’ll create the first virtual switch. An External Network, called GREEN, attached to the Intel LOM (green network). Also allowing management operating system to share this network adapter.

Start an elevated Hyper-V Manager and connect to N1BC. Run the New Virtual Machine Wizard.

  • Name the VM: DC1
  • Place the VM on the TTGDC1 LUN by entering the location: R:
  • Put a tickmark in the Use dynamic memory tick box
  • Connect to the GREEN network switch
  • On the Virtual Hard Disk page you see the new .vhdx extension. This new format allows up to 64 Tb (compared to the old .vhd which holds 2 Tb)
  • I’ve chosen to immediately install the dc1 from optical drive

Done. As you can see the dc1 is up & running. I’ve added the other cluster nodes to Hyper-V Manager just to show that it works for them as well.

 7. Finalizing stuff

  • Install Windows Server 2012 Standard on the DC1 VM
  • Add the roles AD and DNS
  • Promote to Domain Controller and create the forest/domain: cluster.intranet
  • Uncheck Time Synchronization on the DC1 VM so it DOES NOT SYNC with the cluster node, this will cause a time drift! The cluster node will be part of the cluster.intranet domain and syncs time that way.
  • Set the correct time and time sync with w32tm
  • Add the: Hyper-V Management Tools under FeaturesRemote Server Administration Tools


Some Windows 8 tips I’ve encountered which may help you too!

  • On the Tiles screen, you can just start typing the command or program you need: it will appear
  • Right-click the tool or program, the Run-As Administrator option appears
  • Right-click on the a blank spot on the Tiles screen, the All Apps button appears. Easier to find programs this way.
  • I’m using Windows 8 in a Parallels environment, pressing the Mac’s CMD-key toggles between the Tiles and the desktop (trust me, you’ll need this … a lot)


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